Fun Games and Activities for VW Campervan Trips with Kids

Keep the Adventure Rolling.

So, you’re hitting the road in your VW campervan with the kids.

The open road, the smell of adventure, and endless memories waiting to be made.  

But... we all know how quickly the “Are we there yet?” questions can kick in.

Fear not Here’s a list of fun games and activities to keep your little road warriors entertained, engaged, and full of smiles throughout the journey.

Campervan Bingo

Turn your road trip into a scavenger hunt with a good old game of bingo. Create or download bingo cards with items like cows, traffic lights, a bridge, windmills, or specific road signs.  The first to complete their bingo card wins a snack or a fun little treat. Bonus: This game will get everyone looking out the windows and enjoying the scenery

Audiobook Adventures

Take the kids on a literary journey while you drive.  Audiobooks are a fantastic way to engage their imaginations and keep the “I’m bored!” declarations at bay. Choose classic stories like Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia or kid-friendly podcasts. They’ll be so absorbed in the tale; they might just forget how long the trip is.


Children insdie Campervan
DIY Campervan Craft Station

Bring along a small tote bag filled with crayons, paper, stickers, and washable markers. Set up a craft station on a lap tray and let them create postcards or mini "road journals" documenting their journey with little drawings, tickets, and leaves collected along the way. You’ll get some creative keepsakes and keep them busy at the same time.

“I Spy” with a Twist

“I Spy” is a timeless classic, but for a twist, play “I Spy Colours” where you pick a colour and everyone has to find as many things of that colour in a set amount of time. Another option: “I Spy Sounds,” where you listen for specific noises like birds chirping, a horn honking, or the wind blowing through trees. It’ll get everyone tuning into their surroundings in a whole new way.

Children in the Pop Top

Road Trip Playlist Karaoke

What’s a campervan trip without some great tunes? Let the kids pick a few of their favourite songs and create a road trip playlist. Then, when the time is right, have a mini karaoke session in the van. Bonus points for parents who join in (off-key is perfectly acceptable). You’ll get laughs, sing-alongs, and maybe even a few dance moves.

Nature Stops Treasure Hunt

When you stop at campsites or scenic spots, why not turn it into a treasure hunt? Give the kids a list of nature items to find: A feather, a smooth stone, a yellow flower, or a pinecone. This will encourage them to explore the great outdoors while burning off some energy before hopping back into the van. Plus, it adds an extra layer of adventure to every stop.

Chess Game

Map Master

Give your little adventurers a map of the route (or a simplified, colourful version) and let them track your progress. Not only does this keep them engaged, but they’ll feel like mini navigators on the trip. You can also add fun facts about upcoming stops or give them the responsibility of spotting road signs to mark how far you’ve gone.

On-the-Go Card Games

Pack a deck of cards, Uno, or some travel-friendly board games. Many campervans have little tables, so when you're parked up, you can pull out the games and get everyone in on the fun. It's a great way to bond, relax, and add some competition to the trip.

Boys Running In Front Of Campervan

20 Questions: Road Trip Edition

If you’re looking for a game that requires zero supplies, 20 Questions is your go-to. One person thinks of something (an animal, place, or object), and everyone else takes turns asking yes or no questions to guess what it is. This classic guessing game is perfect for long stretches of road and can be played anywhere, anytime.

Story Time Round-Robin

Time to flex those creative muscles. Start a story with one sentence (something like, “Once upon a time, there was a VW campervan filled with magical creatures…”) and have each person in the van add to the story one sentence at a time. The sillier the better. You’ll end up with a hilarious, spontaneous tale that everyone had a hand in creating.

Final Thoughts
VW campervan trips with kids can be a blast with a little planning and creativity. From road games to creative pit stops, these activities will ensure your little traveller’s stay entertained, happy, and excited for the next adventure. 

So, buckle up, pack your fun supplies, and get ready to make some incredible memories on the road. 

Now, all that’s left is to grab the snacks and hit the road.  Let the campervan adventures begin. 🌟

 The CamperKing Team