Add a personal touch to any CamperKing campervan on our forecourt

Did you know, when you're browsing our numerous campervans for sale on our forecourt at CamperKing HQ, you don't just have to settle for what you see?
Any of the campervans we have for sale, at any time, can be customised with various optional extras to suit your needs.
So if the van you're interested in doesn't already have a wind-out sunshade for example, why not have one fitted? If you'd like to have a towbar added, we can do that too.
There's even a few changes we can make to the vehicle at no additional cost. For example, if you love a campervan but don't like the wheels, we'll swap them for a like-for-like alternative.
The same applies for some of our upholstery finishes, and external styling. Please speak to us for more details.
Here's a few of the most popular optional upgrades available to customers:
- VW badges (from £57 inc VAT)
- Replacement batteries and upgrades (from £125 + VAT)
- 250W Inverter (from £595 + VAT)
- Eibach Sport lowering comfort springs (£695 + VAT)
- Wind-out sunshade (£795 + VAT)
- Detachable 13-pin towbar (£795 + VAT)
- Projector and screen (£599 + VAT)
- 60W solar panel (£695 + VAT)
- Speaker upgrades (from £395 + VAT)
If you want to make a change to one of the campervans but can't see the option you want listed above, please speak to a member of our friendly and knowledgeable team at HQ who will be happy to help. Book a meeting with one of our sales team or email