CK Ambassador, John Stocker relays the importance of getting outdoors in his CamperKing

Following mental health awareness week earlier this month, we caught up with our CamperKing Ambassador and ultra marathon runner, John Stocker who chatted to us about using his CamperKing to enjoy the great outdoors to improve his mental well-being.
We heard from John "Mental health is all about getting outdoors, leaving everything else behind and getting out into the countryside by getting a campervan and exploring."
Check out what he had to say on our YouTube channel here.
Spending time in nature has been found to help with mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. For example, research into ecotherapy (a type of formal treatment which involves doing activities outside in nature) has shown it can help with mild to moderate depression.
Mental health awareness charities such as Mind have been religiously promoting the importance of enjoying the outdoors through activities such as outdoor exercise and exploring the natural beauty of the UK.
John has been a great example of how you can utilise a CamperKing campervan to help further the adventurous lifestyle and also enable the exploration of the outdoors to support mental well-being.
We'll be continuing to follow John's CamperKing journey as he takes part in his next ultra marathon run, the Suffolk Backyard Ultra on Saturday 28th May where he'll be using his CamperKing as a base for the challenge which will see him try to beat his own European record of 81 hours, set in 2021.
To view his latest ultramarathon statistics from his running app Strava, take a look at John's ambassador page here.
Watch this spacefor the next installment of John's journey!