GB ultra-runner John Stocker joins CamperKing as latest ambassador

John Stocker, a 42-year-old ultra runner from Bicester, Oxfordshire, is the latest person to become a CamperKing ambassador.
John, a father of three, has been competing as an ultra runner for several years, and has even represented Great Britain at the 153-mile Spartathlon ultra run in Greece.
He's looking forward to using a CamperKing campervan to help support his race commitments this year, as well as supporting clients taking part in events themselves.
He said: "An ultra runner is anyone that runs anything more than a marathon, so if you run 27 miles you could be an ultra runner. When we were running them, it started with 27 miles, and that was okay so we jumped to 50 miles. Then we went to 100 miles, which became fun, but I hadn't found a point that broke me yet, so we jumped to 250 miles and then started doing silly distances of 600 miles.
"It's a hectic lifestyle, but to have the three kids it's the motivation you need to get out of bed at five o'clock in the morning, it's the motivation you need to cover those miles, it's the motivation you need to keep going."
John runs his own personal training business, and now helps clients to achieve their own fitness and ultra-running goals.
"I think running is down to you as an individual to put the time, effort and training in, but it's also the freedom. You can go up a hill, stand at the top and there might be no-one else there, and you look at the countryside and it's beautiful. To just stand there and take it all in is just something we need to do more often.
"For me, the one thing that keeps me running is my kids and my family. To have my kids there on the trail I hope it inspires them to come outside and have fun – to just have family life outdoors, and not be shut away."
He said he was looking forward to having access to a CamperKing campervan in order to take clients on trails they wouldn't normally be able to access, and to be able to take them further afield from Bicester to help them train to be ready for races.
John has a client looking to run his first 200-mile race, and he said the campervan would be a "beacon of light that would enable him to reach the finish".
"You could have your family car, but the space inside a campervan is immense. You can change in there, you can eat, you can sleep. It's the ability to do all those jobs in that one place.
"I'm hoping to use it to take the children on a little adventure and have some time out with them. With all the training I do, they don't always get that time with me, so for them it'll be a treat and a chance for us to have some quality time together."
Watch this space to follow more of John's adventures in our campervan.